Our mission is to design, manufacture and distribute affordable, safe, high-quality, sensible products for the retail consumer, foodservice and food packaging industries.

Who we are, what we’re about and why we do what we do:

We are passionate and driven people living in the US and China, who care about the food we eat and what affect the products we buy have on the planet for our kid’s future.

We have developed invaluable wisdom over many years of marketing and import/export trading anything and everything between the East and West.

Truly understanding the natural complexities from cultural, governmental, manufacturing, supplying, and distributing challenges of responsibly doing business with China for the US market, is our advantage.

At CAKE Development Group, we believe understanding the differences between the US and China offer not only, economic opportunity for business, but also social and environmental responsibility. We believe working diligently with our manufacturing partners to educate and support them in transforming their local communities to responsibly make products in China for the US market, ultimately creates long-term benefits for our planet.

Always natural, great tasting products FREE of preservatives, high-fructose corn syrup and artificial colors or flavors.

Everyday household products for preparation, transportation, storage and serving at affordable prices.

Packaging Solutions, made Tree-Free from annually renewable plant fibers that are biodegradable and compostable.

Delivering value through flexibility, function and consistency meeting Your Brand’s design, production, packaging, distribution needs.

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